Error Codes

The following tables list error codes for SOAP and REST palettes, detailed explanation of each error, and where applicable, ways to solve different errors.

SOAP Palette

Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Solution

Error encountered when processing entity event source,details: {0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when processing events. No action.

Exception encountered when parsing authorization HTTP header information for basic auth, details :{0}

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when parsing the Authorization HTTP header information. Specify the correct user name and password.

Error encountered when processing {0} activity,details:{1}

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when processing an activity. No action.


error BW-Plug-in General error information. No action.

Exception encountered when executing entity event source, details :{0}

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when executing an entity. Specify valid configuration values for the activity.

Error encountered when processing posted data from incoming request,details:{0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when processing a posted data from incoming request. No action.

Execution exception:{0},{1}

error BW-Plug-in An exception is thrown. No action.

Error encountered when attempting to start entity event source,details:{0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when attempting to start an entity. No action.

Error encountered when attempting to stop entity event source,details:{0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when attempting to stop an entity. No action.

POST DATA from incoming request is empty, incoming request should be triggered from TIBCO Plugin deployed on CRM server.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when post data from incoming request is empty. No action.

REST Palette

Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Solution


error BW-Plug-in An error occurred while creating the Dynamics CRM Rest shared resource connection. Specify valid configuration values for the Dynamics CRM Rest connection shared resource.

Error encountered when processing entity event source,details: {0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when processing events. No action.

Exception encountered when parsing authorization HTTP header information for basic auth, details :{0}

error BW-Plug-in An exception is thrown when parsing the Authorization HTTP header information. Specify the correct user name and password.

Error encountered when processing {0} activity,details:{1}

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when processing an activity. No action.

Exception encountered when executing entity event source, details :{0}

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when executing an entity. Specify valid configuration values for the activity.

Error encountered when processing POSTed data from incoming request,details:{0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when processing a posted data from incoming request. No action.

Execution exception:{0},{1}

error BW-Plug-in An exception is thrown. No action.

Input of activity {0} is missing mandatory elements.Details: {1}

error BW-Plug-in Input activity missing Provide the mandatory elements for the entity.

Error encountered when attempting to start entity event source,details:{0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when attempting to start an entity. No action.

Error encountered when attempting to stop entity event source,details:{0}.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when attempting to stop an entity. No action.

POST DATA from incoming request is empty, incoming request should be triggered from TIBCO Plugin deployed on CRM server.

error BW-Plug-in An error occurred when post data from incoming request is empty. No action.

Use attribute check box for DeleteRESTEntity activity is enabled but attribute name is missing.

error BW-Pug-in An error occurred when Use attribute check box for Delete REST Entity activity is enabled but attribute name is missing.

Specify the attribute to be deleted.


Input of activity {0} should contain integer or comma separated integers.

error BW-Pug-in An error occurred when the format of input data for multi-select type of attributes is incorrect for Create REST and Update REST activities of DCRM REST palette. Provide the input data for multi-select type of attributes as a comma separated integers of valid optionset options.

Input of activity {0} is missing entity id for Bound Action. Details: {1}

error BW-Pug-in An error occurred when running the bound action without any input. Provide the required input values on the Input tab for the chosen bound action.

Input parameters for activity {0} is missing for non query Function. Details: {1}

error BW-Pug-in An error occurred when running a non-query function without any input in FunctionsREST activity. Provide the required input values on the Input tab for the chosen non-query function.

Input Parameters for activity {0} is missing for query function. Details {1}

error BW-Pug-in An error occurred when running the query function in FunctionsREST activity. Check if the chosen function is a query function. If it is a query function, provide the missing input values for the function.

Query function checkbox of activity {0} is not chosen. Details {1}

error BW-Pug-in An error occurred when running the query function in FunctionsREST activity. Select the Query Function check box on the General tab of the FunctionsREST activity as the selected function is a query function.