STC Definition Table

By default, STC segments appear in validation results in a certain way. To utilize different and/or multiple STC codes when you are using Shuffler, you can create an STC Definition table to use as an override file.

For complete information on STC Override files, see Appendix G: 277CA STC Override in the Response Generator Technical Manual PDF document.

STC Definition Table File Format

The STC Definition Table is a comma delimited file containing error numbers and information for Shuffler to use when creating STC segments.

When omitting values in a line, include the commas to maintain correct positioning.

Each line contains these, in order:

Value Description
Error# Error number that should have new STC behavior.
LoopID Apply the STC override to a certain loop only.
Segment Apply the STC override to a certain segment only. If omitted, the override applies to all loops.
Element Apply the STC override to a certain element only.
CategoryCode Value to be used for the STC01.01.
StatusCode Value to be used for the STC01.02.
EntityIdentifierCode Value to be used for the STC01.03.
InsertWithShuffler Indicates if STC information should be inserted into the data by Shuffler. If left blank, the default (yes) is used.

0 – No

1 – Yes (default)

Example STC Definition Table File

This example shows an STC Definition Table File.