Configure a FHIR Shared Resource

Before creating processes involving the FHIR palette, you must configure a FHIR shared resource.

Step 1 - Create a new FHIR Shared Resource

The FHIR Configuration screen specifies the location of the server with which you wish to communicate and exchange information. This shared resource is typically a front-end system that allows access to a trading partner's database.

For example: Requesting a patient resource from a health care organization.

  1. Access the FHIR Configuration - Create a new FHIR Shared Resource screen via Resource > New > FHIR Configuration.

  2. Enter identifying information about the shared resource on the Create a new FHIR Shared Resource screen.

    Field Literal Value/Module Property/Process Property? Description
    Resource Folder No Path to Resource Folder. Enter a path or use the Browse button to navigate to a folder using file explorer.
    Package Package name to be used in Resource Folder. Enter a name or use the Browse button to navigate to a file using file explorer.
    Resource Name Name for Resource.
  3. Click Finish to create the shared resource. The FHIR Configuration screen appears.

Step 2 - Configure a new FHIR Shared Resource

Enter configuration information about the shared resource on the FHIR Configuration screen.

Field Literal Value/Module Property/Process Property? Description
General Package No Populated from Create a new FHIR Shared Resource.
General - Name Populated from Create a new FHIR Shared Resource.
General - Reference Link Displays existing references to the shared resource.
General - Description Optional. Descriptive text about the shared resource.
FHIR Server - Version Version of the FHIR specification to be used. DSTU2 is the only supported version at this time.
FHIR Server - URL URL of the FHIR server.

Select Default Value Set

Use to select the Default Value Set for the URL property:

  • Literal Value
  • Module Property
Clear Value

Use to clear the current URL from the URL display.