Parser and Renderer Process

The ParserAndRenderer example shows how to translate input data from one data format to another data format by using parsing. In this case, the ADT_AO5.hl7 data is transformed into ADT_A28.hl7 data by using the TranslateHL7 activity to map and translate data.

Example Process

The Parser and Renderer process is illustrated here:

Process Definition

The process performs the following operations:
  1. The FilePoller activity polls the file named ADT_A05.hl7 in the directory specified in the File Name field of the Configuration tab. If the file exists then the process starts.

    The ADT_A05.hl7 file is passed to the Translate_ADTA05_toXML activity.

  2. The Parse ADT_A05 activity translates the ADT_A05.hl7 file into an XML string based on the file.

    The XML string is passed to the Parse XML ADT_A05 activity.

  3. The Parse XML ADT_A05 activity parses the input XML string into an XML schema tree based on the HL7_26_ADT_A05.xsd file that is specified on the Output Editor tab.

    The parsed XML schema is passed to the Map To ADT_A28 activity.

  4. The Map To ADT_A28 activity takes the parsed XML schema and renders it as an XML string based on the HL7_26_ADT_A28.xsd file that is specified on the Input Editor tab.

    The XML string is passed to the XML To HL7 activity.

  5. The XML To HL7 activity translates the input XML string into the HL7 message.