Validating a Message

EDISIM Validator checks the validity of data based on the standards and guidelines.
Note: For more information about how to use Validator, see EDISIM documentation.

To validate messages, perform the following steps:

  1. Open EDISIM Validator. You can do so in one of the following ways:
    • Select Start > All Programs > EDISIM > Validator in Windows.
    • Click in the EDISIM Standards Editor toolbar.
  2. Select File > Open in the Validator menu to open an HL7 message instance. The Select Standard dialog box opens.
  3. Choose a guideline to verify the message. Select a standard from the Select Standard dialog box.
  4. Click OK to start checking the message. For example, select the XHL7 file as a standard.

  5. When the validation is finished, click OK to dismiss the Analysis Completed dialog box.