Exporting Logs

You can set up the log level and export logs to a file by modifying the logback.xml file.


  1. Navigate to the TIBCO_HOME\bw\<version_number>\config\design\logback directory and open the logback.xml file.
    Note: When deploying the application in TIBCO Enterprise Administrator, you must navigate to the TIBCO_HOME\bw\domains\mydomain\appnodes\myspace\mynode directory to find the logback.xml file.
  2. To specify the file location, add the following node:
    <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
            <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36}-%msg%n</pattern>

    The file tag defines the location to which the log is exported and the value is the absolute path of the file that is detailed to the file name.

  3. To specify the log level for the HL7 Palette activities, add the following node:
    <logger name="com.tibco.bw.palette.hl7">
       <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
       <level value="Error"/>

    The level tag defines the log level and the value can be Error or Debug.

  4. To specify the log level for the FHIR Palette activities, add the following node:
    <logger name="com.tibco.bw.palette.fhir">
       <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
       <level value="Error"/>

    The level tag defines the log level and the value can be ERROR, DEBUG, INFOR, or TRACE.

  5. Save the file.