Using the Custom Concurrent Program Activity

You can run the GLBBSU Concurrent Program successfully in the Custom Concurrent Program activity.


  1. Create a project in TIBCO Business Studio.
  2. Create a process in the project.


  1. Add the Custom Concurrent Program activity to the process.
  2. Configure the Custom Concurrent Program activity, in particular, the input of the activity.

    GLBBSU requires 7 arguments. See Checking the Type and Parameters of a Concurrent Program for details about the type and parameters.

    The following figure shows a sample configuration of the input:

  3. Run the process in Debug mode.


  • Output in TIBCO Business Studio: the STATUS field is Warning, indicating that the process has run without an error, and the request is executed successfully with warnings.

  • Request results in Oracle E-Business Suite: the following figure shows the request details in Oracle E-Business Suite.