Working with ERPIntegration Project

The ERPIntegration project shows how to use a TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ process to manipulate the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for service.

To access the sample application, complete the following steps:


  1. Start TIBCO Business Studio.
  2. Click File > Import.
  3. In the Import window, expand the General folder and select the Existing Studio Projects into Workspace item. Click Next.
  4. Click Browse next to the Select archive file field to locate the samples. Click Finish.
    The sample project is located in the TIBCO_HOME\bw\palettes\salesforce\version_number\samples\ERPIntegration directory.
  5. Log on the website using the new account information. Make sure that at least one product has been added to the price book, and this product has to be added as the line item for an Opportunity whose stage is Close Won.
  6. Add a customized field named ErpAccountId in the Account Object on the server.
  7. To run the SyncOpportunity_OutboundListener process in TIBCO Business Studio, create an Outbound Message on the website.
    Make sure that the Endpoint URI is the same as the one defined in the WSDL file of the Outbound Listener activity. For example, the Endpoint URI defined in the WSDL file is: /OpportunityToOrder_UsingOutboundMsgListener/SyncOpportunityProcess_UsingOutboundMsgListener, so in the website, the whole URL address is http://host:port/OpportunityToOrder_UsingOutboundMsgListener/SyncOpportunityProcess_UsingOutboundMsgListener.
  8. Generate an Outbound Message WSDL and configure the workflow rule to trigger the Outbound Message you just created.
    Note: When you generate an Outbound Message WSDL, ensure that the following six fields are not added to the Selected Fields section:
    • HasOpenActivity
    • HasOverdueTask
    • IsExcludedFromTerritory2Filter
    • LastReferencedDate
    • LastViewedDate
    • Territory2Id
  9. Use the CreateErpObjects.sql file to build Oracle database tables and other necessary objects. CreateErpObject.sql is available from the TIBCO_HOME\bw\palettes\salesforce\version_number\samples\ERPIntegration directory.
    Note: For running this sample application, a new user of creates at least one product as the line item for an Opportunity with the state of Close Won.
  10. Change module properties if necessary in TIBCO Business Studio.
    • BW_LastPollingTime_File: the location of the file, in which the last polling time is recorded.
    • BW_OpportunityStart_Time: the time that the opportunities start to record.

    All opportunities occur before this time is ignored.

  11. Configure Salesforce Connection, JDBC Connection and HTTP Connector.
  12. Configure the JDBC driver for the JDBC activities both at design time and run time.
    See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Bindings and Palettes Reference for more details.
  13. Test and run the processes in the sample application.