Salesforce Query Builder

The Salesforce Query Builder lets you create a query against a specified object.

Building a Query

You need to build a query when working with the Salesforce Query All activity from the Salesforce palette or the Salesforce Bulk Query activity from the Salesforce Bulk API palette. Click the Query Builder to open the wizard to build your query or clear the existing query with Clear Query.

The following tabs are displayed on the Query Builder:
Tab Description
Query Object Select the Salesforce object and the fields on which you want to perform an operation.
Note: You can select only one object at a time.
Filter Options Provide comparison operators in the query.

You can combine multiple operators using the logical operators AND, OR. Select the field on which you want to apply operator for your query.

Group By In the left hand panel you can select the fields on which you want to perform the group by operation. Using right hand panel you can select the aggregate and date functions.
Order By Select the field by which you want to order the records.
Having Specify the having clause for the fields selected on the Group By tab.
Limit Provide limit and offset value for Salesforce records.