Sample Project Overview

The sample project contains the AllOperationsForProblemProcess process.

This process takes the ServiceNow_problem module as an example to show how ServiceNowInvoke activity performs different operations.

The following figure describes the AllOperationsForProblemProcess process:

The AllOperationsForProblemProcess process performs the following operations:

  1. The Timer activity triggers the process when you run it.
  2. The insert, insert1 and insert2 activities insert three records to the target table.
  3. The get activity queries the information of the first inserted record.
  4. The update activity updates the first inserted record.
  5. The deleteRecord activity deletes the first inserted record.
  6. The getRecords activity queries the information of the second and the third inserted record.
  7. The getKeys activity queries the sys_id of the second and the third inserted record.
  8. The deleteMultiple activity deletes the second and the third inserted record.