Accessing and Performing Delta Publish

Perform the following steps to access and perform delta publish:


  1. Click Fulfillment Catalog Operation > Publish Catalog.
    The Bulk Model Publish page is displayed.
    Accessing Publish Catalog from the Fulfillment Catalog Interface
  2. Select the option Delta Publish.
    Bulk Model Publish Options
  3. Select the required model name and provide values for the following fields:
    • Include Metadata? (the default value is No)
    • Last Published On (value only applicable for Delta Publish)
    • Catalog Use (the default value is All)
    Selecting the PRODUCT Repository for Delta Publish
  4. Click the Show Results button.
    The delta publish results are displayed in a new window.
    Results for the PRODUCT Repository of Delta Publish
  5. Click the X to close the window.
    The Bulk Model Publish page is displayed.
    Delta Publishing the Results for the PRODUCT Repository
  6. Click the Publish button.
    A dialog box pops up indicating that you have selected delta publish.
    Confirmation Box for Delta Publish
  7. Click OK to continue.
    The Bulk Model Publish Status page is displayed.
    Bulk Model Publish Status for Delta Publish
  8. Click Check Progress link to see the status of the delta publish.
    The Event Details page is displayed and the status of the delta publish is displayed.
    Event Details for Delta Publish
  9. Click the arrow preceding Additional Data to expand the details.
    Click the Download link following the Output Jar File field to download the published file. Click the Download link following the Error File field to download the error file to check for any errors, if any.
    Downloading Delta Publish Output