Modifying the New Attribute Added to an Existing Repository or Existing Relationship

To modify the new attribute added to an existing repository or existing relationship, perform the following steps:


  1. Modify the existing datasource of the repository for which the new attribute has been added.
  2. Modify the associated input map of the modified datasource. Deploy the changes into FC enterprise successfully. See TIBCO MDM Studio Repository Designer User’s Guide for more information on MDM Studio.
  3. To identify the repository data sources, refer <AC_HOME>/samples/CatalogDataMap.csv file. It contains the repository names, its associated datasource names, and the corresponding input map names.
  4. To identify the relationship data sources, refer <AC_HOME>/samples/RelationshipDataMap.csv file. It contains the repository names, its associated relationship datasource names, and the corresponding relationship input map names.
    • For data source modification, any new attribute should be added before the MODVERSION attribute. MODVERSION attribute should always be the last attribute in the data source.
    • Ensure that you verify all the new or modified metadata are deployed properly from MDM Studio.