Modeling the PLANFRAGMENT and PRODUCT in Fulfillment Catalog

In the new version of Fulfillment Catalog, you can model a plan fragment and link it to a product without creating milestones. Perform the following steps to model the products/plan fragments:


  1. Create the PlanFragment records.
  2. Enter the values for the fields Typical Duration and Maximum Duration in the SLA tab during Plan Fragment creation. This will allow you to create a Plan Fragment without the necessity of creating associated milestones.
    Note: Although you can skip the step of creation of milestones using the fields Typical Duration and Maximum Duration in the SLA tab, but during publishing the products the START and END milestones will be automatically added.
  3. Create the Product record and associate the plan fragments.
  4. You can also associate the newly created plan fragments to the existing products by using the relationships. However, you will have to remove the plan fragment attributes specified in INTERNAL and AFFINITY tabs.