Settings for the File ConfigValues.xml

Configure the mentioned settings for the ConfigValues.xml file:

  • Set all the log levels to ERROR.
  • Set com.tibco.cim.jmxmonitor.details.enable to false.
  • Set com.tibco.cim.init.AsyncCallQueueSenderManager.poolSize to 12 (can be increased if the CPU usage of the application server and the database server results in a bottleneck).
  • Set com.tibco.cim.init.AsyncCallQueueReceiverManager.poolSize to 12 (can be increased if the CPU usage of the application server and the database server results in a bottleneck).
  • Set com.tibco.cim.optimization.import.cyclictest to false.
  • Set com.tibco.cim.optimization.import.mutationtest to false.
  • Set com.tibco.cim.jmxmonitor.copytoas.enable to false.
  • Set com.tibco.cim.cache.debug to false.
  • Set com.tibco.fc.importcatalog.chunksize to 500000.
    Note: The property setting is purely based on the maximum number of records in a CSV and database configuration. If your database can process high numbers in a single transaction, then you can set the parameter value as high as possible.
  • Set com.tibco.fc.importcatalog.delay to 30.
    Note: The property defines the amount of wait time (in seconds) before the next ping for the event status will be triggered. If number of records are less in every CSV, you can set the parameter to smaller values like 5.
  • Set com.tibco.fc.retry.count to 600.

    The property defines the maximum number of pings for event status before the import on the next repository or relationship is triggered. This parameter works along with com.tibco.fc.importcatalog.delay to define the maximum wait time before the next import is triggered.

    If the value of com.tibco.fc.retry.count is set to 600 then the maximum wait time would be 600 * 30 = 18,000 seconds, which is 300 minutes or five hours.