Delta Publish Overview

The Delta Publish of catalog can also be referred to as incremental publish. When you have an environment with a considerable amount of repository data, and if you make minor changes to the data, publishing all the data for a small increment takes a lot of time because the entire data set gets published.

The Delta Publish feature addresses the issue by publishing only what has been changed. You can select the date and time and upon selection only those records will be published which are created or modified after selected date and time.

Delta Publish publishes records based on the last modified date of the record. The last modified date of the record is modified when the record attribute and the relationship attribute is modified.

  • In case of PRODUCT repository, if there are any changes to the offerID, the OfferIdMappings.xml file will also be published.
  • If you invoke Delta Publish for the first time on an enterprise, the entire data in the repository will be published.

The timestamp is recorded after each Delta Publish.

Pictorial Representation of Delta Publish