RequiresProduct Repository

Attributes and their details for the Requires Product Repository
Attributes Display Name Data Type Description
PRODUCTID PRODUCTID String(255) Unique identifier for Project Tag Name
PRODUCTIDEXT Record ID Extensions String(255) Auxiliary identifier for current entity
CONTAINS CONTAINS String(4000) Contains
PROJECTTAGNAME Project Tag Name String(256) Tag name for repository instance
DESCRIPTION Description String(4000) Description for the record
LIFECYCLESTATUS Record Status String(256) Status of the record
GROUPMIN GroupMin Integer Minimum value required to fulfill the group. Empty or '-1' defines no limit.
GROUPMAX GroupMax Integer Maximum value required to fulfill the group. Empty or '-1' defines no limit.
CALCULATEDPRODUCTS CalculatedProducts Boolean(5) Calculated Products
RELATEDPRODUCTS RelatedProducts Boolean(5) Related Products
LINKEDONLY LinkedOnly Boolean(5) Linked Only
LINKDEFINITIONS LinkDefinitions String(512) Linked Definitions