Creating Seed Data for Fulfillment Catalog in PostgreSQL Database

There are few SQL scripts used for adding Fulfillment Catalog specific seed data into the database. Fulfillment Catalog provides a utility for this task. The installer executes this utility automatically if the database is PostgreSQL as a part of the MDM installation (one-click installer).

The procedure to create seed data should be performed only if the PostgreSQL database resides outside $MQ_HOME.

The following steps need to be performed to create seed data for Fulfillment Catalog in PostgreSQL database:


  1. Navigate to the location $AC_HOME/db/postgreSQL/install.
  2. Run install_ac.bat/ file based on the platform (windows or linux).
  3. Provide the required inputs, like PostgreSQL installation directory path, database name, host, port, username, and password.
    Important: Check the logs for database script execution at $AC_HOME/db/postgreSQL/install/logs location.