Partial Import of Fulfillment Catalog Data - Use Case 3

The following is the third use case for the Partial Import feature of Fulfillment Catalog:

The Import zip file has repository records (for example, PRODUCT repository records) named ProductA and ProductB without the project tags. The TagNames.csv file, which exists within the import zip file, has [P1]. Import the zip file to an existing enterprise that has data in it.

Because [P1] exists in the TagNames.csv file, only the records that are tagged with [P1] are added or modified to the Test enterprise.

Because ProductA exists in the PRODUCT_DATA.csv file without the project tag, and ProductA also exists in the enterprise with the project tag [P1,P2], it is loaded to the enterprise with the project tag [P2]. The [P1] tag is removed for ProductA because it is not present in the PRODUCT_DATA.csv file.

Because ProductB exists in the PRODUCT_DATA.csv file without the project tag, and ProductB also exists in the enterprise with the project tag [P1], it is updated to the enterprise without the project tag. Because PorductB has no project tag it is removed from the enterprise.

Partial Import of Fulfillment Catalog Data - Use Case 3 Step 1