Model Publish Request

The model publish request format and details are as follows:

Model Publish Request Data Model
Model Publish Request Elements
Element Name Element Type Mandatory Element Description
UserName string Yes The login ID of the user.
Password string Yes The password of the specified user.
Enterprise string Yes The name of the enterprise.
  • UserInfo element, which includes UserName, Password, and Enterprise, is optional if you provide JSessionID when invoking the webservice request. If you do not provide JSessionID then the UserInfo element becomes mandatory.
  • Samples for Model Publish request are available in the $AC_HOME/samples/wsrequests/ModelPublish/ directory for your reference.

The data model for the Model Publish Action Type is as follows:

Model Publish Action Type Data Model
Full Model Publish Action Type
Element Name Element Type Mandatory Element Description
MASTERCATALOGNAME string Yes The name of the model to be published. For example, PRODUCT.
MetadataRequired string Yes Specifies whether the metadata is required or not. The valid values are:
  • Y
  • N
CatalogType string No Specify the catalog type only when you want to publish the PRODUCT model. The valid values are:
  • All
  • Technical
  • Commercial

If a value is not specified then the default value considered will be ALL.

TenantId string No By default the "enterprise name" appears as TenantId in published model. You an override it by providing the value in the request. This option is only available through the web service and cannot be executed from the user interface.
Delta Model Publish Action Type
Element Name Element Type Mandatory Element Description
MASTERCATALOGNAME string Yes The name of the model to be published. For example, PRODUCT.
MetadataRequired string No Specifies whether the metadata is required or not. The valid values are:
  • Y
  • N
CatalogType string No Specify the catalog type only when you want to publish the PRODUCT model. The valid values are:
  • All
  • Technical
  • Commercial

If a value is not specified then the default value considered will be ALL.

TenantId string No By default the "enterprise name" appears as TenantId in published model. You an override it by providing the value in the request. This option is only available through the web service and cannot be executed from the user interface.
SnapshotStartTimestamp dateTime No
If PublishType is either D or DELTA, and SnapshotStartTimestamp is not provided then:
  • If the timestamp for the previous snapshot exists, the last one is considered for the SnapshotStartTimestamp.
  • If no previous timestamp exists, then all the changes made, till the SnapshotEndTimestamp for the given repository, is published.

If PublishType is either D or DELTA and SnapshotStartTimestamp is provided, then all the changes made between the SnapshotStartTimestamp and SnapshotEndTimestamp, for the given repository, is published.

Used only if the value of PublishType is D or DELTA, and is used to specify the start timestamp. The records modified or added after the specified timestamp will be published. The format for timestamp is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss<+/- timezone>. For example 2016-06-05T15:30:00+05:30.
SnapshotEndTimestamp dateTime No

If PublishType is either D or DELTA and SnapshotEndTimestamp is not provided then:

  • If the timestamp for the previous snapshot exists, the last one is considered for the SnapshotEndTimestamp.
  • If no previous timestamp exists, then all the changes made till the SnapshotEndTimestamp , for the given repository, is published.

If PublishType is either D or DELTA and SnapshotEndTimestamp is provided then all the changes made between the SnapshotStartTimestamp and SnapshotEndTimestamp for given repository, is published.

Used only if the value of PublishType is D or DELTA, and is used to specify the end timestamp. The records modified or added before the specified timestamp will be published. The format for timestamp is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss<+/- timezone>. For example 2016-06-05T17:30:00+05:30.