Creating an Offer
Click the
icon in the homepage.
The New Offer - Details page opens. -
Enter the following details:
Field Description Offer id A unique ID to identify the offer. Name A name for the offer Short description A short description for the offer. The short description will be displayed in the offer list. Long description A summary about the offer. -
Select the
Type of offer. The options are:
Field Description PO Individual Product Offers BPO Bundled Product Offers The Type options can be customized by using the property fc.poType and fc.bpoType in the file. For example, fc.poType=ELEMENT1,ELEMENT2,ELEMENT3 and fc.bpoType=ELEMENT1,ELEMENT2,ELEMENT3 -
Select the
SubType of the offer:
Field Description Device Any device Internet Internet service TV TV service - Use the toggle button for the Offer only once for Customer field if you want to provide the offer only once for the customer. By default the toggle is off and the offer will be offered multiple times to the customer.
- Enter the Start date and the End date to indicate the start date or time and the end date or time of the offer.
Note: In this step, if you click the Submit button the offer will be sent for approval. If you do not wish to send the offer for approval you can browse to another menu or page and the offer will be saved with the Draft status.Click the Submit button.A dialog box displayed with a request for approval.
- Click the Submit button.
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