High Level Data Model

The description below is composed of the following parts:

  • The extensible Data Model for TIBCO® Fulfillment Catalog.
  • UML Diagrams of the Data Model.
  • Additional SID Concepts within the Fulfillment Catalog Data Model for Extensibility and Composite Entities.
  • The Fulfillment Catalog Data Model using Sample Data from the TIBCO Telco Product Catalog.

TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog is, by design, an extensible and dynamic Master Data Repository, able to handle any type of Master Data Modeling.

This document provides the Telecommunications Industry a complete schema for a Product Catalog Data Model that can handle a customer's specific needs, while conforming to SID modeling and extensible principles. Specifically, the TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog Telco Data Model uses a recursive, component-based building block approach to model complex product, prices (including tariffs), and product price policy rules for the Telecommunications industry.

The data model outlined here can be used as is, extended, or used as a starting point to build out a customer's specific data model and terminology. SID compliance is maintained via internal identifiers and data models while Business Users view their information in the context of their own terminology .

Fulfillment Catalog Illustrating the Internal Master Repositories of Data for each main type of SID ABE