Fulfillment Catalog Master Repositories

TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog models and manages its SID-based objects in the following separate repositories:

Repository details
Repository name Description
Product Each record in the Product repository represents a Component. Components comprise other Components, which may include other Components. Depending on the complexity of the data there is no limit to the level of componentization you wish to model. From a SID perspective, a top-level Component is called a Product. Sub-components are known as Composite Products (if made of a distinct group of components) or simply Components. In turn, TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog also allows the user to classify their components into logical types (Device, Tariffs, Services, Options, and so on).
Characteristic Characteristics or Usages that a Product or Price may relate to. A record can be both a characteristic and a usage at the same time (for example, a handset has an "SMS" characteristic. "SMS" is also be defined as a type of "Usage" that can be charged for. Characteristics often contain values that describe the amount of the Characteristic. Such values may be defined once (500 Free Minutes), user or system input at time of order (MSISDN = ?), or may be "Instanced" and vary per Product Offering (Sales Package has the "Free Minutes" Characteristic. The value of Free Minutes for the Sales Package = 1000).
CharacteristicDataType Additional information for Characteristic.
Price The data repository used to maintain price and price matrices, as well as usage charge information for products that have associated fixed, usage, recurring, simple, or one-time charges.
Allowance Allowance information that can modify Price (for example, 250 minutes free, then the normal 10 cents per minute thereafter).
Discount Discount information that can modify Price (for example, 25% off from 10 - 14 February, 50 Euros off the cost of installation)
PolicyRule Rule definitions that may be applied to Products to further specify unique qualification rules or events for a ProductOffering (for example, "this product only sellable to females", "after one year get something free")
Segment Contains a list of other reference entities that may impact the definition of Products (for example, Product may be available only to Corporate customers, or Pricing may differ based on Customer Risk).
Catalog List of subset of offerings, to allow for management of multiple catalogs of ProductOfferings.
Party List of Party Entities that may be used to further define compatibility of Products, Prices, or Policies with specific Parties. Parties may be defined as Organizations, Roles or People. Organizations may be individual Corporations, or Corporations and their subsidiaries (Corporate Hierarchies). A Role represents a group of people (for example, IT Staff, Administrator, Senior Management). People represent actual named, individuals (for example, John Smith).
PartyExtension Additional information associated with Parties.
PlanFragment It provides configuration information for a Process Component/Plan Fragment of BPM Engines. It has information for SLA.
Milestone Representation of the start and end of part of an executing plan item.
Action It stores meta information for valid fulfillment actions and provides you the flexibility to define your own set of actions. This repository defines all valid actions that may be used to describe how a particular fulfillment process should be modeled.
ProjectTag It provides a central repository to manage the Project Tag Names. These tag names are later used across other repositories.
Category Category
Migration Migration
RequiresProduct Requires Product
Rule Rule
RuleCondition Rule Condition
RuleParameter Rule Parameter

A repository defined to create all the possible channels or modes, through which the Offers can be sold to the end user (For example, Online Marketplace, Retail stores, Door-to-Door).