Check the Environment Variables

You have to set the environment variables. The following table lists the environment variables with respective sample values and their description:

Environment Variables and their Description
Environment Variable Sample Value Description
NODE_ID Member1 Points to the current cluster member.
MQ_HOME /opt/MDM/mdm/9.1 Points to the installation directory.
AS_HOME $MQ_HOME/bin/as/2.1 Points to the AS home directory.
MQ_LOG $MQ_HOME/log The location where log files are generated.
MQ_COMMON_DIR $MQ_HOME/common All standard configurations files for workflow and data validation as well as all customization are stored in this directory. This directory also holds all files generated during normal application processing.
MQ_CONFIG_FILE $MQ_HOME/config/ConfigValues.xml The values/parameters in this file can be set using the Configurator.
JAVA_HOME opt/Java/jdk<version> The directory where JRE/JDK is installed.
NLS_LANG AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 NLS parameters to specify the locale-dependent behavior of client.
LANG en_US.utf8 Language environment variable.
ORACLE_HOME /home/oracle/app/product/<version> The directory where ORACLE is installed.
EMS_HOME /opt/tibco/ems/8.3 The directory where TIBCO EMS (messaging software) is installed
AC_HOME $MQ_HOME/plugins/ac/4.0 The directory where TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog is installed.