Question 9

What should I do if database configuration fails?

Perform the following steps:


  1. Open $AC_HOME/db/oracle/install_ac.sql if the database is ORACLE. If the database is PostgreSQL then open $AC_HOME/db/postgreSQL/install/install_ac.sql.
  2. Check if the install_ac.sql includes create_procs.sql or not. If create_procs.sql is included perform step 3. If create_procs.sql is not included perform the following steps:
    1. Verify the installation logs and fix the problem.
    2. Uninstall Fulfillment Catalog.
    3. Go to $MQ_COMMON_DIR and delete FC401 directory.
    4. Install Fulfillment Catalog again.
  3. Run the install_ac.sql file.