Migrating PostgreSQL from Fulfillment Catalog 3.1.0 to Fulfillment Catalog 4.0.1

To migrate PostgreSQL from Fulfillment Catalog 3.1.0 to Fulfillment Catalog 4.0.1, perform the following steps:


  1. Start the TIBCO MDM 9.1.0 server.
  2. Set the required environment variables with respect to TIBCO MDM 9.1.0 and start TIBCO MDM 9.1.0 Configurator.
    Note: Ensure to follow the steps given in the Creating Seed Data for Fulfillment Catalog in PostgreSQL Database section after the installation of Fulfillment Catalog 4.0.1
  3. Access the <AC_HOME>/db/postgreSQL/migration/Migrate3.1.0_4.0.1/ directory.
  4. Run ./PostgresMig_310_to401.sh utility.
  5. You will be prompted for the following details:
    • Database Instance name
    • Database User name
    • Database Password name
    • Database Host (IP address)
    • Database port
    The DB Migration log is generated at $AC_HOME/db/postgreSQL/migration/Migrate3.1.0_4.0.1/Migration310_401_log.log.
    Note: Check the console and the logs to verify whether utility has run without any errors. If you find errors, fix them and run the utility again.
  6. To migrate the metadata of an existing enterprise, log in to the existing enterprise.
  7. Click System Operations > Import Metadata.
    The Import Metadata page opens.
  8. Click the Choose File button and import the file from the $AC_HOME/samples/FulfilmentCatalog_Metadata.zip location.
  9. Restart the FC server.