Creating Users for Offer and Price Designer

A user can only access Offer and Price Designer if the user is assigned the role of Offer Designer in the Fulfillment Catalog enterprise. Only the user having the administrator role in the Fulfillment Catalog enterprise can create users who can access the Offer and Price Designer system.

The user having an administrator role only approves the offer using the Fulfillment Catalog enterprise. The user with the administrator role cannot access the Offer and Price Designer system. The user with the Offer Designer role can access the Offer and Price Designer system to create offers.


To perform the following steps it is mandatory that the user has administrator role in the Fulfillment Catalog enterprise:


  1. Access the Fulfillment Catalog system and login using administrator credentials.
  2. Click Administration > User Accounts.
    The User Accounts page opens.
  3. Click Create.
    The Add User page opens.
  4. Provide values for the following fields:
    Fields Description
    User Name Enter an appropriate user name. This will be used for logging in to Offer and Price Designer.
    First Name Enter the first name of the user.
    Middle Name Enter the middle name of the user.
    Last Name Enter the last name of the user.
    Password Enter a temporary password for the user.
    Re-enter Password Re-enter the temporary password for the user.
  5. In the Roles panel, highlight the Offer Designer option from the Available Roles list and click the button.
    The action performed will add Offer Designer role in the Selected Roles list.
  6. Click the Save button.
    The new user is created and the user can access and use the Offer and Price Designer system.
    Creating Users for Offer and Price Designer