Response Codes and Description

The following response codes are currently implemented by the Fulfillment Catalog system

Response Code Response Message Description
FC_PUB-0000 Model publish initiated successfully. Either use the Fulfillment Catalog UI to check the progress of the Export through the Event Log UI or use the Event Detail web service to get the status for the given event ID.
FC_PUB-1000 Error occurred while validation user : Take the action depending on the error message.
FC_PUB-1001 No record found for timestamp : 2016-10-12 12:36:60 Correct the specified SnapshotStartTimestamp. It occurred because specified SnapshotStartTimestamp is not valid. The valid SnapshotStartTimestamp is the timestamp that is recorded in the earlier published model.
FC_PUB-1002 SnapshotStartTimestamp shall be less than SnapshotEndTimestamp You need to check the specified SnapshotStartTimestamp and SnapshotEndTimestamp.
FC_PUB-1003 Validation error in model publish request: Check model publish request and correct the schema validation error.
FC_EXP-0000 Data export initiated successfully Export initiation was successful. Either use the Fulfillment Catalog UI to check the progress of the Export through the Event Log UI, or use the Event Detail web service to get the status for the given event ID.
FC_EXP-1003 Validation error in export request: Check the export request and rectify the schema validation error.
FC_EXP-1009 For ExportType in [P, PARTIAL], ProjectTagNames is mandatory Specify the ProjectTagName(s) in a request.
FC_EXP-1010 SnapshotStartTimestamp shall be less than SnapshotEndTimestamp You need to check the specified SnapshotStartTimestamp and the SnapshotEndTimestamp.
FC_IMP-0000 Data import initiated successfully Import initiation was successful. Either use the Fulfillment Catalog UI to check the progress of the Export through the Event Log UI, or use the Event Detail web service to get the status for the given event ID.
FC_IMP-1000 Import file name is mandatory Specify the FileName in the request.
FC_IMP-1001 Uploaded file not supported. Only ZIP file is supported Upload correct file for import. Only ZIP file is supported by the Fulfillment Catalog Import.
FC_IMP-1003 Validation error in model publish request Check import request and correct the schema validation error.
FC_DEL-1003 Validation error in delete request: <Parameter name='VALIDATION_ERROR'> Check the bulk delete request and rectify the schema validation error.
FC_DEL-0000 Bulk delete initiated successfully Bulk delete initiation was successful. Either use the Fulfillment Catalog UI to check the progress of the Bulk Delete, or use the Event Detail web service to get the status for the given event ID.
FC_DEL-1001 Uploaded file not supported. Only .zip file is supported Upload correct file for import. Only ZIP file is supported by the Fulfillment Catalog Bulk Delete.