Installing TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog

The topic describes the installation and uninstallation of TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog using TIBCO Universal Installer TIBCOUniversalInstaller-<os platform>.bin.

The following are the prerequisites before installing Fulfillment Catalog:


  1. Set the environment variable JBOSS_HOME and NODE_ID.
  2. If the database is Oracle, set the environment variable ORACLE_HOME.
  3. If the database is Oracle, its services should be up and running as installation creates the seed data for Fulfillment Catalog.
  4. Copy the ECM.ear file of MDM 9.1.0 HF-02 into MQ_HOME. The MDM 9.1.0 HF-02 ECM.ear file can be copied from MQ_HOME/customEAR if MDM 9.1.0 HF-02 has been installed but not deployed to an application server. Otherwise, copy the MDM 9.1.0 HF-02 ECM.ear file from the respective application server's deployment directory.
    Important: If you are installing TIBCO® Fulfillment Catalog for the first time, install and configure TIBCO MDMTM as per the documentation.

    TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog is a TIBCO MDMTM plug in. TIBCO Universal Installer creates the TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog directory and subdirectories in $AC_HOME.

    Note: The value of $AC_HOME is $MQ_HOME/plugins/ac/4.0.