Creating an Incompatible Rule

An Incompatible rule condition states the incompatibility between two offers with a defined condition. If two offers are incompatible with eachother then a customer cannot avail these two offers simultaneously. To create an incompatible rule, follow this procedure:


  1. Log in to the Order and Pricing Designer.
  2. Click on Rules.
    The Rules tab is displayed.
  3. Click the icon for creating a new rule.
    The new rule creation dialog box is displayed.
  4. Provide values for the mandatory fields. Select Incompatible in the Type field. Click Editor .
    The Editor tab opens.
  5. In the Editor tab, you can define incompatibilty between two offers. You can add a characteristic to the condition by clicking icon. See the topic Designing Rule Criteria for more information.
    The incompatilbilty between two offers is defined.
  6. You can add multiple offers which are incompatible with the offer in the first box, by clicking the icon.
  7. Click Finalize.
    The Finalize tab opens.
  8. Check the rule summary and click Submit.
    The rule is submitted for approval. The status of the rule is now Pending Approval.
    Creating an Incompatible Rule