Clustering Cells

Use this function to find a group of different cell values that might be alternative representations of a same thing.


  1. From the Class column menu, click Edit cells > Cluster and edit.

  2. Select a clustering methods:
    • key collision: With key collision, you can use a keying function to map a field value to a certain key.
    • nearest neighbor: With nearest neighbor, you can compare each unique value to every other unique value using a distance function.
    Note: It is good practice to try out the different combinations of method and function for a given field, and each time carefully inspect whether the clustered values actually belong together.
  3. Select the Merge check box if you want to change all values in a cluster to the value in the New Cell Value column.
    Note: TIBCO Clarity detects and calculates all the different values in the column and suggests the value to use in the New Cell Value column. You can change the value in the New Cell Value column.
  4. Click Merge Selected & Close to merge the cells. Otherwise, click Merge Selected & Re-Cluster to continue cleansing the data by using other clustering methods.