Operating Windows Service

After installing Windows Service for TIBCO Clarity during the installation, you can do operations using the TIBCO Clarity 2.4.0 Windows Service using commands.


  1. Open a command line and navigate to the TIBCO_HOME/clarity/version_number directory.
  2. On the command line, type the clarity.exe command.
    The following table lists the commands you can use to do operations using TIBCO Clarity Windows Service:
    Command Description
    --propFile <fileName>
    --install You can install the wrapped application as a service.
    --cleanInstall You can install the wrapped application as a service and does not register empty value.
    --uninstall You can uninstall a previously installed service.
    --update You can install a wrapped application or updates a previously installed wrapped application.
    --start You can start a previously installed service.
    --startSync You can start a previously installed service synchronously.
    --restart You can restart a service.
    --stop You can stop a running service.
    --kill You can kill current Wrapper process.
    --run You can run the wrapped application as a console application.
    --generateScript You can generate java run script.
    --cmdlineJava You can run java program by a command line.
    --debug You can use this command to show debug information.
    --silent No message box is displayed after you using this command.
    --query You can query the state of the service.
    --propVar <name=value> You can replace the custom variable with a value. The custom variable has to be in the form of %name% in the .tra file.
    --delayStart You can set a delay time in milliseconds to run the application.

    For example, type clarity.exe --help, following information is displayed on the screen:

    TIBCO Wrapper
    Copyright 1998-2015 by Cloud Software Group, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    Version 2.4.6
        clarity.exe <command>
    where <command> can be one of the following command switches:
        --propFile <fileName>
        --install, installs the wrapped application as a service
        --cleanInstall, installs the wrapped application as a service and will not register emppty value
        --uninstall, uninstalls a previously installed service
        --update, updates a previously installed wrapped application or installs if non-existing
        --start, starts a previously installed service
        --startSync, starts a previously installed service synchronously
        --restart, restarts service
        --stop, stops a running service
        --kill, kill current Wrapper process
        --run, runs the wrapped application as a console application
        --generateScript, generate java run script
        --cmdlineJava, run java program by command line
        --debug, shows debug information
        --silent, does not show error messagebox
        --query, queries the state of the service
        --propVar <name=value>, replaces the custom variable with its value *** The custom variable has to be set as %name% in the .tra file.
        --delayStart, sets a delay time in milliseconds to run the application