Transforming Digit Numbers

Use the data transforming function to transform the digit numbers of column values.

The number of digits that a column value can have is defined. By default, no symbols are used to represent a value that does not exist. For the DX column, the defined digit number is 3. Whereas, the current displayed digit number for DX column is 1. You can transform the values for DX column by using a regular expression. This example shows how to use hyphens (-) to replace the space that has no value.


  1. From the DX column menu, click Edit cells > Transform.
    The Custom Text Transform on Column DX dialog is displayed.
  2. In the Expression field, enter value.replace(/ /,"-").
  3. Move the cursor in the Expression field.
  4. Press Tab and double-click Row from the displayed list. Click OK.


All values in the DX column are displayed in three digits. Space is replaced by hyphens. One hyphen represents one digit.