Performing Row Analysis

Perform row analysis to check the content of data in rows. A report of row analysis and Dedup Profiling result is generated.

In the report, you can find information about empty rows, validation records, average row size, maximum row size, minimum row size, average column size, maximum column size, and minimum column size in a table.

If you used the Dedup function on the data before you performing row analysis, there are two more tables in which the Dedup Profiling result is displayed. One of them lists information about row count, unique count, matched records, and empty records. The other table lists information about group size, group count, record count, and the percentage of the duplicate records.


  1. On the project data page, click Profile.
  2. From the Analysis type list, select Row analysis to generate a row analysis report.

    From this row analysis report, there are no empty rows in your data. The maximum row size is 192 and minimum row size is 118. Additionally, from the maximum column value 16 and minimum column size 11, you can find that some of the rows have empty columns.

  3. Optional: Click each item value to view the rows that match the row analysis criteria.
  4. Optional: Click Export in the upper-right corner of the page to export the analysis report.