Sampling Data

After mapping data, you can pick up a portion of the source data or the entire source data as the sample data. A project that contains the sample data is created when sampling data.

You can perform various validation and transform operations on a project.

  1. On the "Sample data" page, if you want to rename the project to be created, move your mouse pointer over the project name, click Rename, and enter a name.
    The default name is project_N.
  2. Click the icon next to Rename to edit a description.
  3. Select one of the following ways to sample the project data:
    Loading a range of rows

    Specify a particular range of rows for sampling. For example, load rows from 33 to 100.

    Loading a percentage of rows

    Specify the percentage of rows for sampling. You can move the slider and check the percentage in the field box.

    Loading every n th row

    Specify every n th row for sampling. The default value is 10.

  4. Click Reload to reload source file. Any changes made to the source data are synchronized to the existing sample data.
    Note: This function is available only when the data source is "My Computer". Ensure that the columns to be loaded are the same as the ones in the previous source file.
  5. Click Done to create the dataset and project.
    You are now directed to the project data page where the project data is loaded.