Merging Numeric Columns

You can merge numeric columns to one column according to the aggregation result.


  1. On the project page, click the icon before the flag icon in the first row, and then click Edit columns > Merge multiple number columns by aggregation functions.
  2. In the "Merge columns" dialog, drag the columns that you want to merge to the Added columns panel.
  3. In the Name of the new column field, enter a name for the merged column.
  4. In the Delimiter field, enter a delimiter such as a semicolon (;) to separate cell values displayed in the merged column.
  5. Select an aggregation method from the Aggregation function list.
    For example, you have a project records the Math exam score, English exam score, and History exam score of a class. You can merge the English Score column, the Math Score column, and the History Score column to a Score column that records the average score. To merge these columns, you have to configure column merging settings as follows:

  6. Click OK to merge the selected column according to your configurations.

    As shown, the columns that are merged are not deleted. If you want to delete the English Score column, the Math Score column, and the History Score column, you have to delete them one by one.