Transposing Cells across Columns into Rows

Use this function to transpose cells across columns into rows.

Suppose your project data has the Height, Width, Depth, and Weight columns, you can use this function to transpose these four columns into two columns: Dimension and Measurement.


  1. From the Height column menu, click Transpose cells across column into rows.
    The "Transpose cells across columns into rows" dialog is displayed.

  2. Specify the column where the transposition starts and stops:
    1. In the From column area, click Height to specify the column where the transposition starts.
    2. In the To column area, click Weight to specify the column where the transposition stops.
    Note: The Height and Weight columns and any other columns in between will be included in the transposition.
  3. In the Transpose into area, specify the operations to be performed on the transposed columns:
    1. In the Key field, enter Dimension. This new column contains the original column names.
    2. In the Value field, enter Measurement. This new column contains the values of the original columns.
    Note: The default option is Two new columns. You can also click One column to merge the keys and values into a single cell.

    Additionally, if you want see all the values including the empty ones, you can clear the Ignore blank cells check box.

  4. Click Transpose to start the transposition.
    The Height, Width, Depth, and Weight columns are transposed into two columns: Dimension and Measurement.