Going to OData Warehouse

You can go to OData warehouse and query the synchronized tables using canonical URLs.


  1. On the project data page, click OData > Go to warehouse.
  2. At the first login, enter the user name and password of TIBCO Clarity account.
    The OData warehouse web page is displayed.
  3. In the enterprise edition, enter canonical URLs to query synchronized tables.
    The basic canonical URLs are listed as follows, you can replace the port 3333 with other ports:
    • Go to the index page:


      The index page lists all names of the synchronized tables.

    • Go to the metadata page:


      The metadata page lists all detailed information of the synchronized tables, such as column names, types, and so on.

    • Query one table, and go to the table page:


      The table page lists all data of the specified table.

    Note: TIBCO Clarity supports the query options $filter, $count, $orderby, $skip, and $top when querying a table.