The SpaceDef type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddIndexDef
Adds indexDef to SpaceDef, overwrites if an IndexDef by that name already exists
Public methodStatic memberCreate()()()()
Return a new SpaceDef instance.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String, Int32, array<FieldDef>[]()[][])
Takes space name, replication count and list of field defs and returns a new SpaceDef instance.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String, Int32, IList<(Of <<'(FieldDef>)>>))
Takes space name, replication count and list of field defs and returns a new SpaceDef instance.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetFieldDef
Get the Field Definition for the field name provided.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIndexDef
Get the index definition for name
Public methodGetType
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPutFieldDef
Associates a field definition to the space definition.
Public methodRemoveIndexDef
Removed index from SpaceDef, return null if there is no index by that name
Public methodSetDistributionFields
Sets the distribution fields.
Public methodTakeFieldDef
Allows removing a field definition associated with SpaceDef. Note that Space definition cannot be changed once the space is defined,.So, a field definition can be removed from a Space definition only before the space is created.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_ENTRY_TTL
Default timeout value of TTL_FOREVER for SpaceEntry TTL.
Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_LOCK_TTL
Default timeout value of TTL_FOREVER milliseconds for Lock TTL.
Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_LOCK_WAIT
Default timeout value of NO_WAIT for Lock Wait.
Public fieldStatic memberNO_CAPACITY
Capacity of the space
Public fieldStatic memberNO_LIMIT
Return all matching rows from the browser.
Public fieldStatic memberNO_WAIT
Timeout value for TTL or locks.
Public fieldStatic memberREPLICATE_ALL
Sets the replication count to 'replicate on all nodes'.
Public fieldStatic memberTTL_FOREVER
Timeout value for TTL.
Public fieldStatic memberUSE_DEFINED
Use the wait defined in the space definiton
Public fieldStatic memberWAIT_FOREVER
Timeout value for locks.


Public propertyCapacity
Get and set the capacity of the space.
Public propertyContext
Get and set the context of the space
Public propertyDistributionFields
Gets the distribution fields.
Public propertyDistributionpolicy
Get and set the distribution policy.
Public propertyEvictionpolicy
Get and set the capacity policy of the space definition
Public propertyFieldDefs
Return a collection of Field Definitions associated with Space Definition.
Public propertyFileSyncInterval
This sets the file synchronization interval for shared-nothing persistence
Public propertyForgetOldValue
Get and set forget old value attribute of the space
Public propertyIndexDefList
Get all index definition
Public propertyKeyDef
Get and set Field names that makes the key
Public propertyLockscope
Get and set the lock scope of the space definition
Public propertyLockTTL
Get and set the time to live of locks on entries in the Space.
Public propertyLockWait
Get and set the amount of time a Put, Update, Take (remove) or Lock operations
Public propertyMinSeederCount
Get and set the minimum number of seeders before persistance interface calls onLoad
Public propertyName
Get and set the space name of the space.
Public propertyNumFieldDefs
Return number of fields associated with Space Definition.
Public propertyPersistenceDistributionPolicy
Gets or sets the persistence distribution policy.
Public propertyPersistencepolicy
Get and set PersistencePolicy of the space
Public propertyPersistencetype
Get and set the persistence type
Public propertyPhaseCount Obsolete.
Gets or sets the phase count.
Public propertyPhaseInterval Obsolete.
Gets or sets the phase interval.
Public propertyPhaseRatio Obsolete.
The phase ratio. This is used to compute the time delay between phases
Public propertyQueryLimit
This limits the number of rows that are returned per seeder in case of SNAPSHOT GET browser.
Public propertyQueryTimeout
Gets or sets the query timeout.
Public propertyReadTimeout
Gets or sets the read timeout.
Public propertyReplicationCount
Get and set the replication count.
Public propertyReplicationpolicy
Get and set the replication policy
Public propertyRouted
Set this if multi-site distribution is to be used
Public propertyRouteTimeout
Gets or sets the route timeout.
Public propertySpaceWait
Get and set the amount of time space operation waits until space becomes READY
Public propertyTimeToLive
Get and set the TTL for the entries in the Space.
Public propertyUpdatetransport
Get and set UpdateTransport to be used either UNICAST or MULTICAST
Public propertyWriteTimeout
Gets or sets the write timeout.

See Also