The Space type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCount
Get the number of entries in the Space
Public propertyDistributionRole
Sets the space member's distribution role in the Space to leech or seeder.
Public propertyIsReady
Gets a value indicating whether the space is ready.
Public propertyLeeches
Gets the leeches.
Public propertyMembers
Gets the members.
Public propertyMetaspace
Get the metaspace that the space belongs to
Public propertyMetaspaceName
Get the metaspace name
Public propertyName
The space name
Public propertyPersister
Returns a persister on a space for receiving persistence actions
Public propertyRemoteMembers
Gets the remote memebrs.
Public propertyRouter
Returns a router on a space for receiving routing actions
Public propertySeeders
Gets the seeders.
Public propertySpaceDef
The Space Definition of the sace
Public propertySpaceState
Gets the state of the space.

See Also