PropertyNames Fields

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The CrossTablePlotPropertyNames type exposes the following members.


Public fieldStatic memberCellHeight
The name of the property CellHeight.
Public fieldStatic memberCellWidth
The name of the property CellWidth.
Public fieldStatic memberColumnSubtotalsLayout
The name of the property ColumnSubtotalsLayout.
Public fieldStatic memberEmptyCellText
The name of the property EmptyCellText.
Public fieldStatic memberExportDataEnabled
The name of the property ExportDataEnabled.
Public fieldStatic memberIndicateHiddenColumns
The name of the property IndicateHiddenColumns.
Public fieldStatic memberIndicateHiddenRows
The name of the property IndicateHiddenRows.
Public fieldStatic memberRowHeaderScroll
The name of the property RowHeaderScroll.
Public fieldStatic memberShowAxisSelectors
The name of the property ShowAxisSelectors.
Public fieldStatic memberShowColumnGrandTotal
The name of the property ShowColumnGrandTotal.
Public fieldStatic memberShowColumnSubtotals
The name of the property ShowColumnSubtotals.
Public fieldStatic memberShowContinuousColor
The name of the property ShowContinuousColor.
Public fieldStatic memberShowGridlines
The name of the property ShowGridlines.
Public fieldStatic memberShowRowGrandTotal
The name of the property ShowRowGrandTotal.
Public fieldStatic memberShowTopNColumns
The name of the property ShowTopNColumns.
Public fieldStatic memberShowTopNRows
The name of the property ShowTopNRows.
Public fieldStatic memberSortColumnsCategory
The name of the property SortColumnsCategory.
Public fieldStatic memberSortColumnsOrder
The name of the property SortColumnsOrder.
Public fieldStatic memberSortRowsCategory
The name of the property SortRowsCategory.
Public fieldStatic memberSortRowsMode
The name of the property SortRowsMode.
Public fieldStatic memberSortRowsOrder
The name of the property SortColumnsOrder.
Public fieldStatic memberTableFont
The name of the property TableFont.
Public fieldStatic memberTableHeaderFont
The name of the property TableHeaderFont.
Public fieldStatic memberTableTotalsFont
The name of the property TableTotalsFont.
Public fieldStatic memberTopNColumnCount
The name of the property TopNColumnCount.
Public fieldStatic memberTopNRowCount
The name of the property TopNRowCount.
See Also
