ScriptDefinition Methods

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The ScriptDefinition type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates a new instance of the ScriptDefinition class. A ScriptDefinition object created by this method will not be trusted for all users until it is saved by a member of the ScriptAuthor group. Once created, the ScriptDefinition object defines the script, but it will not be stored in the document until it is added to the ScriptManager, by calling AddScriptDefinition(ScriptDefinition), or by using the returned ScriptDefinition object to create a new HtmlTextAreaScript and calling Add(HtmlTextAreaScript) on an Scripts instance.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsEquivalentTo
Determines whether the specified ScriptDefinition, is equivalent to this instance. Equivalent is defined by: the script Name, Description, ScriptCode, Language, Parameters, WrapInTransaction are all equal. This method does not check the trusted status of the script
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWithDescription
Creates a copy of this ScriptDefinition instance with a new description. Can be chained with other .With methods. i.e.
var newScriptDefinition = oldScriptDefinition.WithDescription("New Description").WithScriptCode("import System");
Public methodWithLanguage
Creates a copy of this ScriptDefinition instance with an updated ScriptLanguage. Can be chained with other .With methods. i.e.
var newScriptDefinition = oldScriptDefinition.WithName("New Name").WithLanguage(ScriptLanguage.IronPython277);
Public methodWithName
Creates a copy of this ScriptDefinition instance with a new name. Can be chained with other .With methods. i.e.
var newScriptDefinition = oldScriptDefinition.WithName("New Name").WithScriptCode("import System");
Public methodWithParameters
Creates a copy of this ScriptDefinition instance with an updated ScriptParameterCollection. Can be chained with other .With methods. i.e.
var newScriptDefinition = oldScriptDefinition.WithName("New Name").WithScriptParameters(newScriptParameterCollection);
Public methodWithScriptCode
Creates a copy of this ScriptDefinition instance with new script code. Can be chained with other .With methods. i.e.
var newScriptDefinition = oldScriptDefinition.WithName("New Name").WithScriptCode("import System");
Public methodWithWrapInTransaction
Creates a copy of this ScriptDefinition instance with an updated wrapInTransaction flag. Can be chained with other .With methods. i.e.
var newScriptDefinition = oldScriptDefinition.WithName("New Name").WithWrapInTransaction(false);
Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodISerializableGetObjectData
Implements ISerializable.
See Also
