ScriptParameterType Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The ScriptParameterType type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberBoolean
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a Boolean parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrency
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a Currency parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberDataTable
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a data table literal parameter.
Public propertyDataType
Gets the data type corresponding to this script parameter type, or null.
Public propertyStatic memberDate
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a Date parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a DateTime parameter.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets the display name of this type.
Public propertyStatic memberInteger
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a Integer parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberLongInteger
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a LongInteger parameter.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this script parameter type.
Public propertyStatic memberPage
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a page literal parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberReal
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a Real parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberSingleReal
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a SingleReal parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberString
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a String parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberTime
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a Time parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberTimeSpan
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a TimeSpan parameter.
Public propertyStatic memberVisualization
Gets a value indicating that a script expects a visualization parameter.
See Also
