ColumnExpression Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The ColumnExpression type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAlias
Get the alias (name) of the calculated column if there is an AS part of the column expression.
Public propertyColumnNames
Get the names of all column names referenced in the expression.
Public propertyErrorDisplayMessage
Get the localized error message if the expression is invalid, null otherwise.
Public propertyErrorExpression
Get the expression that could not be parsed if it exists, if the expression is valid then this property is null.
Public propertyErrorMessage
Get the error message if the expression is invalid, null otherwise.
Public propertyExpression
Gets the expression as a string. This would exclude any alias (name) statement.
Public propertyHierarchyNames
Get all hierarchy names referenced in the expression.
Public propertyIsValid
True if the expression is valid, false otherwise.
Public propertyMethodNames
Get the names of all the methods which are referenced in the expression.
See Also
