SafeMonitorWait Method

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Blocks until the waitDelegate returns false.

Namespace:  Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Threading
Assembly:  Spotfire.Dxp.Framework (in Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.dll) Version: 66.0.19621.1485 (66.0.19621.1485)

[ObsoleteAttribute("Use Monitor.Wait instead.")]
public static void Wait(
	Object lockObject,
	SafeMonitorWaitUntilFalseComputer waitUntilFalseComputer


Type: SystemObject
The object on which to wait.
Type: Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ThreadingSafeMonitorWaitUntilFalseComputer
A delegate specifying when waiting should stop. Shall return false when the condition is satisfied and the calling thread should stop waiting.
Version Information

Obsolete (compiler warning) in 14.4
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 14.3
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 14.2
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 14.1
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 14.0
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 12.5
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 12.4
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 12.3
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 12.2
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 12.1
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 12.0
Obsolete (compiler warning) in 11.8
See Also
