TIBCO Spotfire Web Player JavaScript API.


Public classApplication
The Application class is used to create a Web Player instance. It is also used to create the document and connect to global events. If an analysis is opened, the Document object is also accessible from the application.
Public classCustomization
Customize the appearance of the Web Player.
All have default value true, except panels that have null.
Public classData
Contains data related functionality. This object is created when the document is loaded.
The object can be accessed in Document.data.
Public classDataColumn
Holds information about a data column in the document. To get the information use the column functions in DataTable object.
Public classDataTable
Holds information about a data table in the document. To get the information use the data object.
Public classDocument
Contains document related functionality. Created by the application when the analysis is loaded.
The document object can only be used after the Application.onOpenedCallback event has fired.
Public classDocumentMetadata
Contains the metadata of a document.
Public classFilter
Contains filtering related functionality. This object is created when the document is loaded.
Public classFilterColumn
Holds information about a filter column. To get an instance of this object use the get filter column function in FilteringScheme or Filtering.
Public classFiltering
Contains filtering related functionality.
This object is created when the document is loaded. To get an instance of this object use the Document.filtering property.
Public classFilteringScheme
Contains filtering scheme related funtionallity and data.
To get an instance of this object use the get filtering scheme function in Filtering.
Public classMarking
Contains marking related functionality.
This object is created when the analysis document is loaded.
To get an instance of this object use the Document.marking property.
Public classProperty
The class holds information about a property. This can be document properties, table properties or column properties.


Public structureDataColumnRangeState
The state of a data data column, after a filtering has occurred.
Public structureFilterSettings
Used to get and set values and settings on filter columns.
Public structurePageState
Information about a page in the analysis.


Public functionApplication.onClosedCallback
Callback which is called when an analysis document has closed.
Public functionApplication.onErrorCallback
Callback called when an error occurs using the JavaScript API.
Public functionApplication.onOpenedCallback
Callback which is called when the opening of an analysis is complete.
Public functionData.onGetDataTableCallback
Callback called when a data table object is retrieved.
Public functionData.onGetDataTablesCallback
Callback called when a list of data tables is retrieved.
Public functionData.onRangeChangedCallback
Callback called when the filtered range of a data data column changes.
Public functionDataTable.onGetDataColumnCallback
Callback called when a data column object is retrieved.
Public functionDataTable.onGetDataColumnsCallback
Callback called when the list of data columns in a data table is retrieved.
Public functionDocument.onDocumentReadyCallback
Callback called when the opened analysis goes into "Ready" state. This is when the green circle in the status bar turns green.
Public functionDocument.onGetBookmarkNamesCallback
Callback called names of the bookmarks in the document are retrieved.
Public functionDocument.onGetBookmarksCallback
Callback called ids of the bookmarks in the document are retrieved.
Public functionDocument.onGetDocumentMetadataCallback
Callback to get the metadata of the document.
Public functionDocument.onGetPageCallback
Callback called when the active page changes in an opened analysis or when information about a page is retrieved.
Public functionDocument.onGetPagesCallback
Callback called when the list of pages in the document is retrieved.
Public functionFiltering.onGetFilteringSchemeCallback
Callback called when a single filtering scheme is retrieved.
Public functionFiltering.onGetFilteringSchemesCallback
Callback called when list of filtering schemes is retrieved.
Public functionMarking.onGetMarkingNames
Callback called when the list of marking names is retrieved.
Public functionMarking.onMarkingCallback
Callback called when a marking table is retrieved.
Public functiononActivePageChangedCallback
Callback called when the active page in an opened analysis changes.
Public functiononClosedCallback
Callback which is called when an analysis document has closed.
Public functiononDocumentReadyCallback
Callback called when the opened analysis goes into "Ready" state. This is when the green circle in the statusbar turns green.
Public functiononErrorCallback
Callback called when an error occurs using the JavaScript API.
Public functiononGetFilterColumnCallback
Callback called when a filter columns is retrieved.
Public functiononGetFilterColumnsCallback
Callback called when a list of filter columns is retrieved.
Public functiononGetPropertiesCallback
Callback called when the a list of properties is retrieved.
Public functiononGetPropertyCallback
Callback called when the property is retrieved.
Public functiononMarkingChangedCallback
Callback called when a marking change occurs.
Public functiononOpenedCallback
Callback which is called when the opening of an analysis is complete.
Public functiononRangeChangedCallback
Callback called when the filtered range of a data column changes.


Public enumerationcolumnDataType
The different data column types.
Public enumerationerrorCodes
Error code definitions. Used as argument to the Application.onError event.
Public enumerationfilteringOperation
Filtering operation definitions.
Used as argument to define how a set filter operation should be applied.
Public enumerationfilterType
The filter types of a filter column.
Public enumerationincludedFilterSettings
This enumerator is used to specify how filter values should be retrieved if the get filter column functions of Filtering and FilteringScheme objects.


For filter types other than the check box hierarchy filter, any of the last two values can be used to get the value(s) of the filter.
Note, for some filter types like the checkbox hierarchy filter, the value can contain large amounts of data.
Public enumerationmarkingOperation
Marking operation definitions. Used as argument to the Marking.setMarking function.