PageableList T  Sort S  Method (PageableList S , IComparer T ) TIBCO Spotfire 6.0 API Reference
Sorts a pair of PageableList T  objects (this contains the keys and valueList contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in this. The supplied comparer is used when sorting.

Namespace: Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Collections
Assembly: Spotfire.Dxp.Data (in Spotfire.Dxp.Data.dll) Version: 13.19.7018.3940 (13.19.7018.3940)

public void Sort<S>(
	PageableList<S> valueList,
	IComparer<T> comparer


Type: Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Collections PageableList S 
The PageableList T  that contains the values that shall be sorted together with the keys in this.
Type: System.Collections.Generic IComparer T 
The comparer to use for sorting. If comparer is null, the default comparer is used.
Type Parameters

The type of the elements of the valueList

The sorting algoritm is an implementation of MergeSort. The MergeSort algorithm is stable; that is, if two elements are equal their order is preserved.
See Also