IndexedFormatter T  Item Property ( Object ) TIBCO Spotfire 6.0 API Reference
Gets or sets the formatting for a category or column.

Namespace: Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals
Assembly: Spotfire.Dxp.Application (in Spotfire.Dxp.Application.dll) Version: 13.19.7018.3940 (13.19.7018.3940)

public T this[
	params Object[] categories
] { get; set; }


Type:  System Object 
The expression for a category or column.

Return Value

Type: T
The formatting for the category or column.

The following sample shows how to set different decimal digits for different scales when using multiple scales in a Line Chart, that is, with YAxis.IndividualScaling true.
NumberFormatter costFormatter = (NumberFormatter)DataType.Real.CreateFormatter();
NumberFormatter salesFormatter = (NumberFormatter)DataType.Real.CreateFormatter();
leftFormatter.Category = NumberFormatCategory.Number;
salesFormatter.Category = NumberFormatCategory.Number;
costFormatter.DecimalDigits = 2;
salesFormatter.DecimalDigits = 0;
lineChart.YAxis.Scale.Formatting.IndexedRealFormatter["Sum(Cost)"] = costFormatter;
lineChart.YAxis.Scale.Formatting.IndexedRealFormatter["Sum(Sales)"] = salesFormatter;

The following sample shows how to set a two-digit US currency formatting for Sum(Sales) columns in a Cross Table.
NumberFormatter formatter = (NumberFormatter)DataType.Real.CreateFormatter();
formatter.Category = NumberFormatCategory.Currency;
formatter.DecimalDigits = 2;
formatter.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US");
crossTable.Formatting.IndexedRealFormatter["Sum(Sales)"] = formatter;
See Also