UndoableKeyedCollectionTKey, TNode Methods TIBCO Spotfire 7.6 API Reference

The UndoableKeyedCollectionTKey, TNode generic type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Add
Adds an item to the ICollectionT.
Public method AddRange
Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of this instance.
Public method AsReadOnly
Returns a read-only IListT containing the elements in this collection.
Public method Clear
Removes all items from the ICollectionT.
Public method Contains
Determines whether the ICollectionT contains a specific value.
Public method ContainsKey
Determines whether the specified key contains key.
Public method CopyTo
Copies the elements of the ICollectionT to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
Public method Exists
Determines whether the List contains elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.
Protected method Finalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Find
Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the collection.
Public method FindAll
Retrieves the all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.
Public method GetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Protected method GetService
Override this method to provide services accessible from this node and its descendants. If you can not provide the requested service, you should call base.GetService which relays the request to the owner or to the AnalysisApplication if no owner is set.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method IndexOf
Determines the index of a specific item in the IListT.
Public method Insert
Inserts an item to the IListT at the specified index.
Public method InsertRange
Inserts the elements of the specified collection at the specified index.
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Remove(TKey)
Removes the element with the specified key, returning true if this instance contained an element with the specified key prior to the removal.
Public method Remove(TNode)
Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the ICollectionT.
Public method RemoveAll
Removes all elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.
Public method RemoveAt
Removes the IListT item at the specified index.
Public method RemoveRange
Remove count elements starting at position index. If count is zero, no elements are removed and no event is raised.
Public method ReplaceAll
Replaces the contents of this instance with the elements in the specified collection.
Public method Sort
Sorts the elements in this collection using the default comparer.
Public method Sort(IComparerTNode)
Sorts the elements in this collection using the specified comparer.
Public method Sort(ComparisonTNode)
Sorts the elements in this collection using the specified System.Comparison.
Public method Sort(Int32, Int32, IComparerTNode)
Sorts the elements in a range of collection using the specified comparer.
Public method ToArray
Copies the elements of this collection to a new array.
Public method ToCollection
Copies the elements of the UndoableKeyedCollection to a Collection
Public method TryGetValue
Tries to get the element associated with the specified key, returning true upon success.
Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implementation Private method IEnumerableGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
Explicit interface implementation Private method IServiceProviderGetService
Implements IServiceProvider.
(Inherited from Node.)
See Also
