TextDataReaderSettings Properties TIBCO Spotfire 7.6 API Reference

The TextDataReaderSettings type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowNewlinesInQuotedFields
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data set has quoted fields which contain newline characters (that is, multi-line fields).
Public property CodePage
Gets or sets the code page.
Public property ColumnNameConcatenation
Gets or sets the format string used to concatenate the column names if there are more than one column name row defined.
Public property ColumnNameNullValueReplacement
Gets or sets the way an empty field is replaced if there are more than one name row.
Public property ColumnNameNullValueReplacementString
Gets or sets the string used to replace empty fields when concatenation column names.
Public property ColumnNameRows
Gets a readonly collection of column name rows.
Public property CommentPrefix
Gets or sets the string describing how a commented line starts.
Public property ConstantFieldCount
Gets or sets the number of columns in the data set.
Public property CultureName
Gets or sets the name of the explicitly set culture. Example: "en-US" for English(United States) culture settings.
Public property DataTypesGivenName
Gets a mapping (Dictionary) between column names and column types.
Public property DefaultColumnName
Gets or sets the default column name. Add a "{0}" to get a 1-based index applied to the column name. If no "{0}" is added, one will be automatically appended to the end.
Public property HasQuoteChar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data set has quote characters. The quote character to use is set in QuoteChar.
Public property HasTrailingSeparator
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data has trailing separator.
Public property IgnoreColumns
Gets a readonly collection of ignored columns.
Public property IgnoreRows
Gets a readonly collection of ignored rows.
Public property MinimumFieldCount
Gets or sets the minimum number of columns in the data set.
Public property NullValueDescriptor
Gets or sets the string describing how a null value will be described in the data set.
Public property QuoteChar
Gets or sets the quote character.
Public property QuoteCharEscape
Gets or sets the quote character escape sequence.
Public property ReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is readonly.
Public property Separator
Gets or sets the separator string used to split the data set into fields.
Public property StartReadingRow
Gets or sets the row to start reading from.
Public property TypesRow
Gets or sets the types row.
See Also
