PreferenceObjectServiceFindAllT Method TIBCO Spotfire 7.9 API Reference
Finds all Preference Objects in the class defined by className that have the same value as value and returns the identifiers of the objects found. Note that it is very important for the type T to override the Equals(Object) method with an appropriate implementation, since that implementation alone affects the objects will match the given search condition object, value.

Namespace: Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Preferences
Assembly: Spotfire.Dxp.Framework (in Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.dll) Version: 30.0.10915.3380 (30.0.10915.3380)

public ReadOnlyCollection<PreferenceObjectIdentifier> FindAll<T>(
	string className,
	T value


Type: SystemString
The name of the preference class in which the search operation will be executed.
Type: T
The value of the preference object to compare with. The Equals method of the object will be used to match objects in the given preference class.

Type Parameters

The type of the preference value for this preference object.

Return Value

Type: ReadOnlyCollectionPreferenceObjectIdentifier
A read-only collection consisiting of preference objects that match the class and value given by className and value.

ArgumentNullException If value or className is null.
ArgumentException If className is an empty string, if the preference class is not defined, or if T is of wrong type (for example does not match the type that was previously registered with the given class).

Objects of type T must override the Equals(Object).
Version Information

Supported in: 7.9, 7.8, 7.7, 7.6, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0
See Also
